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UPUMS Multiple Posts Recruitment 2024 Login
Note: Kindly use Internet Explorer (version 11 and above) or Mozilla Firefox (version 80 to 98) or Google Crome(version 76 to 99) to fill in the Application Form.Fill in the details and click on Next to proceed. Use Mouse to move between fields for entry of data instead of using Tab Key.

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Note: The details below should be entered as it appears in the Matriculate Certificate (Class 10th Certificate) OR Equivalent certificate awarded to you. Ensure to carry the ID Proof at the Examination center having the same as stated below. In no case variation in Spelling, First name or Surname will be allowed to appear.
Register to get User ID and Password
Note: Please enter your name strictly as per your certificate/marksheet of Matriculation/10th/SSC without any salutation(Dr., Mr., Ms., Mrs., Shri, Smt., Prof. etc.). If you don't have Last Name then you should fill your First Name as Last Name.
Note: Please enter your D.O.B strictly as per your Matriculation/10th certificate/SSC.
0 Years 0 Months 0 Days
Note: Please enter your ac tive Mobile No. and Email ID. Candidate should hold the same mobile number during the entire process of this recruitment.

I hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that 'UTTAR PRADESH UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES' will be sending important information on my registered details. I agree that I have referred the advertisement and ensured my eligibility before applying. Also, I agree that I have read and understood all the instructions specified in the advertisement and agree to abide by the same.

Note: Captcha is case insensitive.
Version 15.01.01