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Note : Recommended browser to fill the form:
Mozilla Firefox (version 87 to 104) or Google Chrome (version 82 to 105) or Edge Chromium (version 82 to 105) browser to fill in the Application Form.

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Read the below instructions carefully, before filling the form:

Part A (One Time Profile Registration (OTPR)):

  1. Candidate has to fill mentioned details and submit the registration form.
  2. Once the registration is successful, Candidate will receive the One Time Profile Registration ID (OTPR ID) and Password on the registered Mobile Number and Email ID.
  3. Candidate has to use OTPR ID and Password to login and apply for the Posts.
  4. Once the registration is done, details cannot be changed.
  5. Candidate shall apply for all eligible Posts with the same One Time Profile Registration ID (OTPR ID). Separate Application number will be generated for each Post applied.
Outsourcing/Contract Details
Personal Details

Please select Relationship
Note: As mentioned in the SSC/ Equivalent or Birth Certificate
0 Years 0 Months 0 Days

Please select gender
Please select Marital Status
Note: No changes will be entertained after you complete the Registration
Please select Category

Select Are You a Physically Handicapped person?

Please select Are you an Ex-Service Person?
Note : Please enter your active Mobile Number and Email ID. Candidate should hold the same mobile number during the entire process of this recruitment.
Exam City Preference Details
Note : The High Court for the State of Telangana reserves the right to allot candidates to any examination centre other than the preferred centres given by the applicant or to abolish/Create a new centre for administrative reasons. Request for change of the centre will not be entertained.
Address for Communication
Please select State
Please select District

Please select Permanent Address same as Communication Address?
Permanent Address
Please select State
Please select District

I understand that on completion of registration process, I will receive One Time Profile Registration ID (OTPR ID) and Password to my registered Mobile Number and Email id for completing my application process.

Note: Captcha is case insensitive.
Version 15.02.01